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Crypto Bookmarklets

Crypto is hot and it's a good time to have great tools to work with.
Here are some free bookmarklets to use. Here are instructions on
how to add and create them

Whale Wallets

One popular strategy is to view what crypto whales (high investors) are buying and selling. Watch the video for details. The DeBank, Etherscan and Arkham bookmarklets will show you. Click the bookmarklet. If no address is highlighted, a prompt will appear where you can paste in a wallet address. If you have highlighted an address on the page, click the bookmarklet and the address will appear in the prompt. Click ok to open the intel in a new tab. For an example highlight the ETH address below and click one of the links.

Drag links onto your bookmarks bar to use from anywhere

Our wallet addresses:

ETH: 0xeD8C5f22e9E01a784892DB8c290A9c3BCB3f0771
BTC: bc1q544w0ry0pzt7mea5uj4tagqv3x67pvuldwh7qx

(Use these for testing. Feel free to send some eth or btc if you like the bookmarklets. And send any bookmarklet suggestions to hello [at] cryptobookmarklets.com)

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